
A pot purl of things that just don’t fit any where else. Enjoy…

The History Of Retail In 100 Objects – Signage

Signage and Chalkboard_RT

It’s Tuesday so it’s The History Of Retail In 100 Objects post – This weeks object is Signage

Early statistician Gregory King estimated that by the late 17th Century, England and Wales had about 40,000 shopkeepers. They hung signs to display the emblems of their trades and these became a common way for traders to communicate with their customers. When retail began to expand from outdoor markets to permanent premises, retailers (who often lived over the shop) also needed a sign to be able to communicate on e particularly essential piece of information – Open or Closed? In China, signs were originally used in restaurants, teahouses, drugstores, and then draperies, pawnshops, hotels and tobacconists. They were made of cloth, and later leather, bamboo, wood, aluminium, iron, copper and tin, and were hung in front of the doors showing the particular symbol of their trade. Interestingly, there are various taboos in the use of shop signs in China; signs are not ‘hung up’ but ‘invited in’ because gua (hang up) is thought to be unlucky. When a shop sign falls on the ground it is also thought to be a bad omen because the God of Wealth, held in awe by the Chinese, might not approve. In 1389, King Richard II of England, decreed that landlords must put signs outside their inns, so that inspectors could identify and visit them; there is a record from 1393 of a publican being prosecuted for not having a sign. In 1567 and 1577, France issued similar rules. When the signs became too large for safety reasons, in Paris in 1761 and in London around the same time, laws were introduced which dictated that signs had to be placed flat against a wall or removed. Today, retail signage is used to communicate a raft of different messages to consumers. Exterior signage attracts passing trade, while signage inside the retail environment is used for both navigational and promotional purposes. The tent card at the checkout, the (invariably) red and white posters and banners that trumpet ‘SALE’, the branded fascia running the width of the store front – each form of signage has a distinct role to play.

Contribution to Retail History

As well being informative, shop signage also provides a ‘canvas’ through which retailers can speak to their customers, promote and differentiate their brand, inside and outside their premises.


The History Of Retail In 100 Objects Is Available As A Free Podcast

History of Retail Podcast

The History Of Retail In 100 Objects – The Rialto Bridge


History Of Retail Rialto Bridge

It’s Tuesday so it’s The History Of Retail In 100 Objects post – This weeks object is The Rialto Bridge

Recognised worldwide as an architectural icon , the Rialto Bridge in Venice is the oldest of four structures spanning the ancient city’s Grand Canal. Construction of the bridge was necessitated by the popularity of the Rialto Market on the canal’s eastern bank. Venice flourished as a centre of trade throughout the 13th and 14th centuries and its dominance of the maritime industry and trade made it one of Europe’s most prosperous cities.

The Rialto Bridge was at the centre of it all and for centuries served as the only dry land connection across the Grand Canal. As such, the bridge helped facilitate commerce in one of the world’s most vibrant trading hubs. An early version of the bridge established in 1181 was made of floating pontoons. However, the establishment of the Rialto Market and its growing popularity prompted construction of a higher capacity wooden structure. The original wooden bridge was built with inclined ramps on either side and a centre section which could move to accommodate the passage of larger vessels on the canal. Although an improvement from earlier versions, the wood structure required frequent maintenance, occasionally caught fire and collapsed on several occasions. To remedy the situation, a stone structure was considered and in 1551 proposals were requested from architects. A design for a stone structure similar to the wooden bridge to be replace was accepted from Antonio da Ponte. The design was regarded as bold, if not foolhardy, and sceptics feared the centre span would collapse due to the weight of the stone. Construction proceeded and the bridge was completed in 1591. The concerns of sceptics proved unfounded as the Rialto Bridge has withstood the test of time and more than four centuries after its completion remains serviceable.

 Contribution to Retail History

The Rialto Bridge in all its various forms contributed to the success of the Rialto Market and the establishment of Venice as a hub of global commerce. The bridge highlighted the important role infrastructure plays in facilitating commerce and provided crucial ingress and egress to the city’s vibrant market. The establishment of new sea routes diminished Venice’s role on the world stage, but the enduring image of the Rialto Bridge serves as a reminder of the city’s bygone greatness.

The History Of Retail In 100 Objects Is Available As A Free Podcast

History of Retail Podcast

David Roth In Retail Conversation With…

DR Retail Con_Sept2014

I am going to do another in the popular series “In Retail Conversation…” This time the subject is Tesco’s and I will be in conversation with Bryan Roberts, the insightful –  Insights Director at Kantar Retail with a wicked sense of humor.  We will be sending out invitations to attend on Monday but as a special offer to my blog readers you are going to get advance priority and you can sign up for this online event now,  for free. Places are limited and it will be a sell out. So register right away before it is full. All you need is a web connection, sound and a reasonably fast connection. It takes pace on Thursday 11 September at 3pm GMT London time and lasts 60 minutes. You can register here.  Bryan and I are looking forward to it…Hope you can join us.



Picture of The Week

Opera House Manaus, Brazil

The Opera House Manaus, Brazil. Now Home to the World Cup. Started in 1884 at a time when fortunes were made in the rubber boom here in Manaus in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The first performance was La Gioconda on January 7, 1897. Now it’s joined by another huge, expensive building –  a new football stadium for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.